Be on Skeelfully market place and reach global customers
Why selling your item on Skeelfully :
- Competitive payment rates : you earn 80% per sale from the first sale.
- Worldest market place : reach customer all-arround the world
- Set your own prices betweene 5 and 50€
- No exclusive selling : we offer the same payment rates for exclusive item or not.
- A wide list of categories: you can visit the list here
- Option: enhance price of your item with option and services such : installation, support, etc
- We promote selected items as much as possible to grouth visibility of your items.
Seller guide
Submition process
After login to your member account, you can submit a new item with this process :
- Click on submition link :
- Fill correctly the form :
Name : the item name must describe your item and provide relevant information that makes it easy for buyers to find items meeting their needs. Here some requirment rules for item's name :
- Capitalize the first name's letter. You may be capitalize each first word in the title. Stop words must be lowercase : the, an, a ....
Example (Good): "Responsive Theme for Mobile Application" - Do not capitalize other word's letter :
Example (Bad): "RESPONSIVE Theme for Mobile APPlication". -
Do not use all lowercase.
Example (Bad): "responsive theme for mobile application". - Capitalize acronyms and abbreviations like HTML and Bootstrap.
- Follow the industry standard : jQuery, MySQL instead of Jquery and Mysql,
- Do not use subjective words like best, leader or powerfull.
- Capitalize the first name's letter. You may be capitalize each first word in the title. Stop words must be lowercase : the, an, a ....
- Description :
- Your description, like name, must correctely describe your item and provide relevant information that makes it easy for buyers to find items meeting their needs
- Description MUST NOT contain spelling or grammatical mistakes
- You should not include links to external, competing services including items for sale on your own website.
- Price : Choose and indicate the price of your item. Prices must be an integer between 5 and 50. Curency on this market place are only Euro.
- Category : Choose suitable category for your item.
Images :
- Create and add one to three images 500x350 JPG, PNG or GIF representing your item. You must have copyright or authorization on added images.
- Images MUST be of high quality and not distorted quality.
- Image file sizes should be <0,2 M to allow quick transfer. Many tools can help you to optimize your images. You can learn more on Google developers page.
- Duration : Indicate time (to market) you needs to deliver the customer item.
Name : the item name must describe your item and provide relevant information that makes it easy for buyers to find items meeting their needs. Here some requirment rules for item's name :
- Option for your item :
You can create option for your item to enhance quality service and your portfolio.
Example of possible option :- 30 days support
- Integration on your site
Submition requirment
- Copyright : be sure you are the author or proprie of the item you are selling on this marketplace.
- Items should be free from spelling and grammatical errors.
- Item must have a minimum of accepted quality. item with very bad notes and comments will be discarded. Their seller can be blacklisted on this marketplace.
- Items must be suitable for all audiences and free from profanity, nudity and anything that may be considered offensive to others.
- Third-party assets used to build your item must be properly licensed or free for commercial use.
Selling process
Many steps are needed to finich a transaction with a buyer. Button action are available on the right site of order's page.
As an author possible action for you are :
As an author possible action for you are :
- Need Info : use this action whene you already receve an order but instruction are not clear.
- Accept : use this action whene order is clear and you can start working n it. By using this button action you inform buyer that his order is in progress. Erlear you do this action, more you satisfied your customer.
- Refuse : if buyer's request does not mutch your item description you can refuse the order. Please before, use message box to inform buyer and ask him reviewing his request.
- Deliver : use this action whene work is done and you have to deliver item to your customer. Buyer thene can validate your delivery or request you somme modifications.
- Close : after order's validation by the buyer close the transaction by using the "Close" button. It's always better to tell buyer that you will close the transaction before doing it.
Warning : only closed transaction are integrated to your scale.
Payment rate
Authors earn a fixed 80% of each sale made on ower market place.
Commision Payouts
Sellers will be paid on the 15th of every month. The minimum payout amount is €50. Once your account has reached this amount we will transfer payment via PayPal on the next payment date. In some cases payment may be made on the next working day if the date falls on a bank holiday or weekend. Please ensure your PayPal email address is correct on your user dashboard.
Seller FAQs
How to become a seller ?
Once you've set up your free account, you can submit your item for sale with a quick form submission. We'll review your item and add it to Skeelfully marketplace.
When and how do I get paid ?
Payments are processed at the end of each calendar month and are then paid out on the 15th of the following month via PayPal to the email you added in backoffice. You must be able to receive money via PayPal to be a seller on Skeelfully.
Do I have to provide support?
First you have to ensure that you deliver the item described and purchached by the buyer. Littele corrections or modificaions could be requested by the buyer.
You are not required to offer free additional support, but think that it'is one way to build brand and buyer confidence.
You are not required to offer free additional support, but think that it'is one way to build brand and buyer confidence.