I will scan your website to improve performance

I will scan your website to improve performance

I audited your website and I propose recommendations to improve pages's load time.

The audit covers several areas:

     Performance: analysis of load times and identifying elements that slow down your site
     Compatibility: identify potential compatibility issues: browser, search engine and operating system
     SEO: check if principal SEO rules are well integrated into your website
     Mobile: load times on mobile phones
     Quality: check if HTML and CSS code complies with W3C standards

What I deliver

A PDF file with analysis and recommendations.

What you have to provide me

The URL of the website to be analyzed.


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50 €

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  • No rating yet
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  • Delivery: 1 open day
  • Author reactivity: --
  • Created on 04/21/2016
  • Last update 06/06/2020
  • Add to Favorites!
  • pierro
  • 4 items
  • Member since Apr 2016
  • France
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